After way too many bad photos with my little point and shoot I finally decided to break down and buy a good SLR. I got the Canon Rebel XTI and love, love, love it! I'm still working my way slowly through the manual. I'm afraid the technology side is not my strong suit. Luckily, this camera is very user friendly.

Went to Maymont Park with the family on Easter Sunday. Got this shot of tulip in full bloom using the macro feature. I may have to paint an aceo of this one.

This week is Spring Break for the kiddos, so I took them to the zoo this morning. Here are the penguins waiting to be fed. Now I find myself wishing I had a telephoto lens, sigh. So hard to get close shots from behind the fences and walls. Too bad the lens cost more than the camera, yikes!
We had a wonderful day though, the weather is gorgeous and all the animals were out and about. I don't know if the kids are worn out, but I am now ready for a nap!
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